The Pinoleville Pomo Nation Environmental Department works to protect and restore the quality of the air, land, and water resources throughout the Pinoleville Pomo Nation and Mendocino County, while fostering healthy and safe communities through environmental education and outreach. The Pinoleville Pomo Nation Environmental Department also works toward the protection and restoration of the watersheds in the area, particularly Ackerman Creek through pollution prevention, restoration and invasive species removal. Additionally, the department looks to renewable energy and green technologies with an eye on the future for the residents and Pinoleville Citizens in the area. The department is funded by grants from agencies including the US Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service, North Coast Integrated Water Management Plan, Department of Energy, Bureau of Reclamation and other Federal agencies.
The Pinoleville Pomo Nation Environmental Department is governed by the Pinoleville Pomo Nation whose mission and vision is as follows:
Mission Statement
The Pinoleville Pomo Nation secures tribal government, affirms and protects tribal sovereignty and maintains government-to-government relationships. The Nation is dedicated to developing and maintaining cooperative aliances that benefit the Nation and local community. The Nation is committed to the preservation of its history, culture and traditions. The Nation provides for the health, safety and general welfare of its Citizens, while promoting economic self-sufficiency and personal independence.
Vision Statement
We see our community being healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. We will become independent and self-sufficient through economic development. Self-governance will be carried out through leadership focused on cultural and traditional values, taking actions needed to bring our people into balance. We see ourselves passing on the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors to future generations and encouraging understanding with communities outside of our own.