Our weekly Harvest Fridays outreach at Pinoleville Native American Head Start are in full effect for the winter. If you’re not familiar, or a new parent to the program, each Friday we package the latest goods from our garden to distribute to Head Start families for free. Some weeks we’ve given away native seeds, plant starts like tomatoes, blueberries and more. Most importantly, we also distribute our organic, non-GMO harvested vegetables and fruits to the families
While some of our plants and vegetables have been slow to take off due to the cold temperatures in December, things are progressing. Recently we’ve had kale, radishes, broccoli and cauliflower ready for harvest. The Head Start families have been very receptive to all the greens with the kale in higher demand than ever. This year we have four kinds of kale in the garden: italian, blue, scarlet and red russian. You can see all four in the slideshow above.
With temperatures warming up again our sugar snap peas have begun to take off as well as spinach and more. Our Harvest Fridays will continue throughout the year as we prepare our summer crops in the coming weeks.
If you’re near Pinoleville Native American Head Start on Fridays you can usually find us, weather permitting, offering up our latest goods from 11:30 am until noon.