Vermicomposting Presentation
Vermicompost is the byproduct of a process where earthworms and microorganisms consume and break down organic materials and convert them into a rich soil enhancement and source of plant nutrients.
Benefits of Vermicompost
- Reduces food and paper waste
- Reduces the amount of food and paper waste going to landfills
- Contains plant growth hormones
- Helps seeds to germinate faster
- Helps plants develop better roots
- Strengthens plants
- Educates others on how to reduce food waste and furthers their understanding of vermicompost
Plans for Vermicompost Bins
- To put a vermicompost setup at several locations around the buildings at Pinoleville
- Setup Vermicompost bins at Head Start, Early Head Start, Boys and Girls Club and demonstrate to the Head Start Employees and students the process and benefits of Vermicomposting
- Educate staff and students on what can and cannot be fed into the Vermicomposting bins, also will have a sign displayed with the Vermicompost setup that shows what waste can/cannot be fed into the bins
- Dakota Perez, Water Resource Specialist for PPN, will oversee the Vermicompost setups around the property
On June 1st 2022 the Administrative Assistant, Alicia Beecher and the Water Resource Specialist Dakota Perez, took the vermicompost bins each containing 1,000 worms and did a presentation for the Head Start students. The WRS demonstrated how vermicompost works and educated staff and students on the importance of vermicomposting. Staff and students were educated on how to maintain their own vermicompost bins; what worms can and cannot eat and how often to feed, etc.